Welcome to our web site!
About Our Chapter...... Our Chapter Vision
To impact the lives of women in the greater Atlanta area by providing continuous growth opportunities for the whole
Since it's founding in May 1978, The Airport Charter Chapter of the American Business Women's Association has modeled the vision of the
National body to "bring together women of diverse backgrounds and to provide opportunities for them to help themselves
and others grow..." Our membership has
run the gamut of professions: private industry, high finance, communication, education, real estate, medical, entrepreneurs,
mortuary science, federal, state, local government, airline industry, retail, retirees and college students. We have
50 primary members.
The Airport Charter Chapter was among the 2023-2024 Best Practices Award-winning Teams. Every year, the newly elected
officers are charged with creating an annual plan to ensure the strength and vitality of their team and the perpetuation of
the Association. ABWA's Beat Practices criteria serves as a blueprint for every team's success.
Our Mission Action - Enlightening
Monthly Meeting
- Informative Programs
- Interesting Speakers
- Special Events
- Networking Sessions
- Community Involvement
- Fund-raising Efforts
- Member Recognition
- Scholarship Awards
- Spring
and National Conventions
- Monthly Newsletters
We invite you to visit us or attend an event. Our members are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about the
organization and how you can join.